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Advanced Options

Already a pro at self-archiving?

You may be interested in these additional resources!

Scholarly preprint Word templates

Use these typeset Word templates to improve readability when sharing preprints. Journal policies on use may vary, so always check! Additional instructions included in LICENSE.txt.

User license template

Many journals require a user license to be added to submitted or accepted manuscripts before sharing publicly. Copy and paste this template into the first page of your manuscript and edit to fit your journal's policies.

Open source tools for creating your own website

Trust us, it's easier than it sounds! While we've highlighted drag-and-drop website builders to create your own website, there are other free, open-source options that have customizable academic templates. The most popular option among scientists is the Academic template on Wowchemy (used together with GitHub & Netlify).

Negotiating copyright agreements

For journals that don’t allow self-archiving, addendums are a way to negotiate and potentially retain rights of your work. Check out these resources on navigating the negotiating process and tools to create your own author addendum.

Resources for improving science communication

Nine tips for communicating science to people who are not scientists

This article includes simple yet helpful tips for science communication. Spoiler alert: using social media is a great way to communicate science and your research projects!

Communicating science online

This article by the American Association For The Advancement Of Science includes tips on the options available for communicating science online.

Publishing and applying research in CSD

The ASHA Academy provides resources and training for authors, editors, and reviewers of the ASHA Journals.

Share your science

This website is a comprehensive resource on tips, resources, webinars, and a newsletter on science communication skills!

In the Media

In order to achieve our goals, we must raise our voices and make ourselves heard. News features and press releases are a great way to make this happen. Read on for some of our latest highlights.

Green Open Access: An Introduction

May 6, 2020

Talks about balancing the desire to publish in top-tier journals in your field with making your research freely available. The answer — self-archive!

Green Open Access

September 3, 2019

Describes the process of self-archiving research in repositories. Although not mentioned in this video, the information is also relevant to self-archiving on your own personal or lab website.

OCTOPOD: Self-Archive and Educate

Oct 12, 2018

Discusses why self-archiving your papers can increase your citations by 30% (yes, 30%!)

Self-archiving segment begins at 6:55.

Paying for Open Access does not increase your paper’s impact, but self-archiving in a repository does

Oct 5, 2018

Written companion to the OCTOPOD episode on why self-archiving your papers can increase your citations by 30%.

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